Monday, February 25, 2008

Service Project - Copied Message

Cajas para Mexico Service Project

In support of our connection with the students in Anganjueo, Mexico, we are inviting CA students to participate in a unique service project. We are asking each classroom to donate 2-4 shoeboxes filled with items boys and girls would like. These boxes will be delivered by Dianne, Sean, and CA families during their trip to Mexico at Spring Break. The idea for this project comes from 2 sources: Operation Christmas Child
and Operation Shoebox

The shoeboxes should contain items from each of the following categories:
We suggest 4 categories of items for boxes:

1. school supplies- pencils, markers, crayons, watercolors, small notebooks, etc.
2. small toys- slinkies, balls, cars, play jewelry, craft projects, matchbox cars, etc..
3. personal hygiene- toothbrush and toothpaste, wash cloth, comb and brush, soap
4. candy- hard candy only, gum.

We suggest boxes should be packed for students the same age as the children in each class. 1-2 boxes for girls and 1-2 for boys. Each class can determine how to collect items. Room mothers would be a great resource for this.


Please send in any items on the list (if you are interested in participating) and I will organize them into shoeboxes for the project. Please be sure to turn in items before March 13. You may send items in with your child in his/her backpack at anytime. Thank you for your support!

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